
Little Feet

April 5, 2016

Dear Friends, have you heard how important a simple foot massage is for a baby? A humble foot massage for a baby is a very easy and under-valued way of promoting a healthy growing little body, and according to experts, the stimulation of the various nerve endings and sensitive points there has beneficial outcomes to the development of internal organs and immunity of healthy baby growth.

It is recommended to try these useful techniques:

  • Pat the soles of the feet with your fingertips;
  • Brush your fingertips very gently over the feet from heel to toe and back;
  • Draw the figure ‘8’ in a clockwise direction over the foot area;
  • Draw the number ‘7’ from under the toes and above the pad and down diagonally to the heel corner;
  • Gently rotate the foot clockwise, then vice-versa;
  • Gently Bend the foot, and then straighten;
  • Rub each digit, starting from the nail, then to the underside;
  • Gently roll the digits and bend;
  • Then finish with gentle finger strokes from the toes to the ankle joints.

The baby will enjoy!

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"What’s my favourite picture? The one I’ll take tomorrow. "
- Imogen Cunningham

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