Tag: Darwin photographer

Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part V
Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part V
July 5, 2016

I loved you once, and still, perhaps, love’s yearning
Within my soul has not quite burned away.
But may it nevermore you be concerning;
I would not wish you sad in any way.

My love for you was wordless, hopeless cruelly,
Drowned now in shyness, now in jealousy..

Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part IV
Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part IV
June 27, 2016

To ***

I still remember that amazing moment
You have appeared before my sight
As though a brief and fleeting omen,
Pure phantom in enchanting light…

Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part III
Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part III
June 21, 2016

Dear Friends, meet Justin and Melanie – our talented videographers from Mel Silva Photography! Massive thank you to them for capturing all highlighted moments of our collaboration in general and the work of all involved businesses in particular. Please have a look at the “behind the scene” photos and as a result of their work – a wonderful video. Enjoy )…

Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part II
Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part II
June 15, 2016

The Daisy follows soft the Sun –
And when his golden walk is done –
Sits shyly at his feet –
He – waking – finds the flower there –
Wherefore – Marauder – art thou here?
Because, Sir, love is sweet!..

Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part I
Elegance of the Vintage Era | Part I
June 9, 2016

Dear Friends! I would proudly like to introduce first part images of stunning styled project “Elegance of the Vintage Era”. Eight successful businesses came together to collaborate on an amazing and unique promotional project. Meet our talented team:

Photographer: Olga Biriukova Photography;

Make Up and Hair: First Beauty – Darwin Hair and Make Up Artist…

Tender Melanie
Tender Melanie
May 28, 2016

She walks in beauty, like the night…

by Lord Byron

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies…

Beautiful Elena
Beautiful Elena
May 23, 2016

It pleases me that I am not your hurt,
It pleases me that you are not my illness,
That as we step upon the heavy Earth,
Its solidness shall never drift beneath us.
It pleases me that I don’t have to flirt,
That I can be relaxed and wordplay-needless,
In suffocating blush not feeling stirred
By accidental touch or random glimpses…

Alison and Family
Alison and Family
May 17, 2016

This is a family
Let’s count them and see,
How many there are,
And who they can be.

This is the mother
Who loves everyone.
And this is the father
Who is lots of fun…

Sam and Dylan Romantic Photo Shoot – “Love Story”
Sam and Dylan Romantic Photo Shoot – “Love Story”
April 30, 2016

by Anna Akhmatova
As a snake, coiling up in a knot,
At the very heart she’s conjuring.
Or the whole day she’s like a tiny dove
On the window white tenderly cooing.
Or she sparkles in a hoar-frost bright,
And in dozing – like a gillyflower…


Little Feet
Little Feet
April 5, 2016

Dear Friends, have you heard how important a simple foot massage is for a baby? A humble foot massage for a baby is a very easy and under-valued way of promoting a healthy growing little body, and according to experts, the stimulation of the various nerve endings and sensitive points there has beneficial outcomes to the development of internal organs and immunity of healthy baby growth.

It is recommended to try these useful techniques:

  • Pat the soles of the feet with your fingertips…
Contact me
"What’s my favourite picture? The one I’ll take tomorrow. "
- Imogen Cunningham

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