This is a family
Let’s count them and see,
How many there are,
And who they can be.
This is the mother
Who loves everyone.
And this is the father
Who is lots of fun…
This is a family
Let’s count them and see,
How many there are,
And who they can be.
This is the mother
Who loves everyone.
And this is the father
Who is lots of fun…
Dear Friends, have you heard how important a simple foot massage is for a baby? A humble foot massage for a baby is a very easy and under-valued way of promoting a healthy growing little body, and according to experts, the stimulation of the various nerve endings and sensitive points there has beneficial outcomes to the development of internal organs and immunity of healthy baby growth.
It is recommended to try these useful techniques:
As all of you know time is running so fast and Christmass, like always, will be here soon! This Spesial Offer goes out to those parents who want to joy themselves and loved ones with colorful and memorable photos of your kids.
“Mini Christmas” Photo Sessions for kids will be held in my nicely decorated mini studio located in Nightcliff.